Sunday 29 January 2012

Blackened Sunday

Third ever Blackened Sunday! I hope you enjoy some banjo with your black metal because that's what you're getting.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Alcest Stream New Album!

I love Alcest with all my heart. They are one of the most beautiful bands I have ever heard and their new album is no exception. I think I've officially just heard the first truly great album of 2012. The stream is on youtube so I'll link you to, where they have all the vids up for you already. Enjoy!



Monday 2 January 2012

Blackened Sunday

Sundays are Blackened Sunday meaning nothing but pure northern kvlt black metal. Actually I'll probably post lots of un-kvlt poser stuff on sundays to, so watch out! Today's song is the first black metal song that I remember listening to. Enjoy!

Metal Monday

For Metal Monday here's a modern band making pretty awesome traditional metal, a cross between Sabbath and Maiden. Or at least, this album is. Lately they've been making slightly better than average re-thrash. Here's Early Man - Four Walls.


P.S. Part one of the my top 40 of 2011 coming today!

Sunday 1 January 2012

Blackened Sunday

This is the second Blackened Sunday ever, and it's 2012 so why not look ahead to what should be an awesome black metal album that's coming out March of this year. Here's Pale Horse off of the upcoming Naglfar album Teras.


Haven't posted in awhile, partly because I'm easily distracted and forget about things, partly because no one reads this blog anyway, it's more for me than for anyone else. This week should mark a return of the song of the day things, my top 40 albums of the year and various year end wrap up things. Hopefully this blog will actually have an amount of proper posts this year.
